I got weighed yesterday and I have lost 1 and a half pounds this week making a total of 4 and a half pounds in 2 weeks. I was very pleased considering last week was a bad one. I had three bad days and one of them was having a lovely dinner at Zeynabs and Saf's house. Eid was yesterday so I had planned to relax for that day but surprisingly enough, I did not go over the top! I have gone off chocolate too. There are 2 big tubs of chocolates in my house and I am not interested in them. I am suffering from boredom
and I am fed up with potatoes. I need to try some recipes out now. I might make spaghetti bolognaise tonight with quorn for a free meal. Shakeel said that I always get to this stage in any diet and then start to give up but I assured him that there is no way I am giving up. At least you can eat on this diet! I hope that I can lose 1 stone every eight weeks and if I lose more, it is a bonus.
I can feel a difference even though I have only lost a bit. I can walk a bit more without feeling tired, and the swollen ankles have dissapeared. My rings are loser. It feels good, can you imagine when I have lost 2 or 3 stones!
I have decided that when I have lost 2 stones, I am going to start wearing trousers again and that is my incentive.